230519 Something is finally here.
(T/N: Stands for ‘Hi ARMY’, which is how Bangbell always starts these posts.)

뮤비 촬영현장
The music video set

거울 셀카~~
다시 장발병이 돈다...
막내이모 닮음
Mirror selfie~~
The long hair fever is going around again...
Looking like my youngest aunt

민트 캔디입니다.
These are mint candies.

신발 자랑
Showing off my shoes

잘나와서 찍어봄
Taking a picture since this turned out well

Showing off my shoes 2

세트장 고양이한테 긁힘
세게 긁힘
Got scratched by a cat on set
It scratched me pretty bad

신발자랑 3
Showing off my shoes 3

셀카 연습을 좀 해야겠다 윤기야
어쩜 구도 표정이 한결같니...
Yoongi-yah you need to practice taking selfies
How can your expression be so consistent...

Showing off my shoes 4

31살에 교복이라니...
Can’t believe I’m wearing a school uniform at 31 years old...

장난전화 하지마세요
Don’t make a prank call

장난 전화 하지마세요 2
Don’t make a prank call 2

신발 자랑 5
Showing off my shoes 5

셀카 연습좀 하자 윤기야 제발
Let’s practice taking selfies, Yoongi-yah, please

헬멧 자랑
Showing off my helmet

살수차는 차갑다...
The sprinkler is cold...

어휴 아저씨 여기서 주무시면 안돼요 일어나세요
Ah sir, you can’t sleep here. Wake up

헬멧 자랑 2
Showing off my helmet 2

얘이름은 G입니다
Their name is G

Showing off my feet

Showing off my feet 2

Pretending to be innocent

Exposed forehead

Don’t smile

안무는 힘들다.
The choreography is hard.

신발자랑 6이냐 7이냐
Is this 6 or 7 for showing off my shoes

드디어 그날 입니다.
It’s finally the day.

첫 믹스테잎이 16년도임
The first mixtape was in 2016

요건 좀 잘나왔네
This one came out pretty well

싸이월드 하두리 갬성샷
A sentimental Cyworld* webcam shot
(T/N: *A social network system used in South Korea.)

저게 다 내 돈이였으면...
I wish all of that was my money...

이건 왜 찍었지..?
Why did I take a picture of this..?

먼지 청소 한번 해야겠네
I need to clean up first

이건 좀 탐났어
I kind of want this

거울 신문지로 한번 닦아야겠다
I need to wipe this mirror with some newspaper

이거 맛있드라구
This was really good

불씬은 항상 뜨겁다구
Embers are always hot