240718 Behind-the-Scenes of June 13 2024 Seokjin, Sunny Weather
(T/N: Stands for ‘Hi ARMY’, which is how Bangbell always starts these posts.)
안녕하세요 아미들! (--)(__)
모두 잘 지내셨나요? (방긋)
방림이가 아주아주 오랜만에 돌아왔습니다! (반갑다면.. 소리 질러..)
오랜만에 찾아온 포스트는 바로바로..!
많은 아미들이 기다리고 기다렸던 2024년 6월 13일의 석진, 날씨 맑음 비하인드 포스트입니다!
긴 말 필요 없이 얼굴 천재의 얼굴 감상하러 가보실까요?!
Hi ARMYs! (--)(__)
Are you all doing well? (smile)
After a long long time, Bangbell is back! (Make some noise.. if you’re happy to see me..)
The post I came back for is none other than..!
The behind-the-scenes post of June 13th 2024 Seokjin, sunny weather that many ARMYs were waiting for!
Without further ado, shall we dive in to appreciate the face of the face-genius?
우떠와 핑마가 아미 여러분들을 기다리고 있어요.
♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡
Wooteo and pink mic were waiting for you ARMYs.
♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡

아미들을 만나기 전 리허설하는 중
Rehearsals before meeting ARMYs
어? 뭐라고요?
얼굴 본다고 못 들었어요..
웅성웅성… 웅성웅성…웅성웅성… 웅성웅성…웅성웅성… 웅성웅성…웅성웅성… 웅성웅성…웅성웅성… 웅성웅성…웅성웅성… 웅성웅성…웅성웅성… 웅성웅성…웅성웅성… 웅성웅성…웅성웅성… 웅성웅성…
진짜 잘생겼다,,,,
Huh? What did you say?
Didn’t hear because I was too busy looking at his face..
Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…Chitter chatter…
He is really handsome,,,,

리허설로 아미 들을 만날 준비까지 모두 마치고
두근두근 긴장되는 마음으로 1부의 시작인 진’s Greetings 시작!
Finished rehearsals and prepping to meet ARMYs
Pit-a-pat With nervousness, part 1 of Jin’s Greetings starts!
네. 네. 네. 저요. 제발 저요.
제가 아니면 안 돼요 오직 이날을 위해서 지금까지 살아왔어요 제발 제가 된다면 제발
저요 저요 저요 저요 제발 저요 저는 저요 밖에 모르는 저요에요
저요 저요 제발 저요 ߹ - ߹ !!!!!!!!!!!
Hug me..?
Yes. Yes. Yes. Please me.
It has to be me I’ve been living my entire life for this day only please if I could be me please
Me me me me please me I only know me here
Me me please me ߹ - ߹ !!!!!!!!!!!

방림이는 방탄밖에 모르는 스튜핏,,
진의 슈트 핏 최고,,
ჱ̒ ー̀֊ー́ )
Bangbell only knows Bangtan’s suit fits,,
Jin’s suit fit is the best,,
ჱ̒ ー̀֊ー́ )
진 완전잘생김, 진 진짜 잘생김, 진 평생 잘생김, 진 최종 잘생김, 진 영원히 잘생김, 진 강산이 변해도 잘생김, 진 진짜 최종 잘생김을
조심하며 스크롤을 내려주세요
Jin is seriously handsome, Jin is really handsome, Jin is handsome for life, Jin is really handsome at the end of the day, Jin is forever really handsome, Jin is really handsome even if rivers and mountains change, Jin is really handsome at the end
Please scroll with caution
진 완전 잘생김
진 진짜 잘생김
진 평생 잘생김
진 최종 잘생김
진 영원히 잘생김
진 강산이 변해도 잘생김
진 진짜 최종 잘생김
(폰트 크기 오류 아님)
Jin is seriously handsome
Jin is really handsome
Jin is handsome for life
Jin is really handsome at the end of the day
Jin is forever really handsome
Jin is really handsome even if rivers and mountains change
Jin is really handsome at the end
(The font size is not an error)

오랜만에 우리 아미들 사진도 빼먹을 수 없지 ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )
Can’t forget about photos of our ARMYs after such a long time ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )
오랜만에 돌아온 방림이의 셀카 선물 까쥐 (찡긋)
정말 정말 맑고 쨍쨍했던 6월 13일 석진, 날씨 맑음 비하인드!
잘생김과 또 다른 잘생김과 또 또 다른 잘생김의 연속..
The return of Bangbell’s selfie gift after such a long time (wink)
The behind-the-scenes of June 13th 2024 Seokjin, sunny weather that was really really bright and sunny!
The continuation of handsome after handsome after some more handsome..
아미들 모두 잘 보셨나요?
여름 감기 조심하시고, 방림이는 또 다른 콘텐츠로 돌아오도록 하겠습니다!
다음에 만나요!
ARMYs did you enjoy?
Please be careful to not catch a cold in the summer, and Bangbell will be back with another content!
See you next time!
(T/N: Short for “Bye ARMY! Poof!”, which is how Bangbell always ends these posts.)